My First Trimester


The very beginning of my first trimester was smooth sailing. All my friends who had kids kept telling me “just wait till your 6 weeks that’s when the morning sickness starts” I even had a friend who had to quite her job because her morning sickness was so bad. I was not looking forward to 6 weeks and then 6 weeks hit and I felt fine besides the fatigue. Then 7 weeks hit and the nausea started which would come and go all the time but mostly in the afternoons or in the middle of the night. The one thing that seemed to help was saltine crackers and or a banana. I would leave crackers even by my bedside to snack on in the middle of the night if I didn’t feel well. It also helped to not over eat a lot of food to prevent throwing up. There became a time where it seemed everything made me nauseous. I couldn’t look at my phone and walk at the same time, I couldn’t watch tv too long or even sit shot gun in the car without feeling sick. I don’t know if I would call this lucky but I only vomited a total of 6 times during my morning sickness stage. What killed me the most was the migraines I got. They were so bad that I couldn’t see or get out of bed sometimes. The only thing I could take to try to relieve pain was Tylenol which I tried not to take unless I had to suck it up and go to work. The lack of eating properly and trying to stay hydrated I found myself loosing a few pounds and then got a bladder infection to top it all off! My Dr put me on antibiotics but then the infection came back so I did my best to cure myself the homeopathic way & drink 100% pure cranberry juice religiously along with Nettle herbal tea & Nopal Cactus Tea and it worked! Smells! My sense of smell made me feel like super woman. I remember Levi bought some blueberry waffles opened them up and had just one and put them back in the freezer. I could smell that blueberry waffle for days which made me not like blueberry waffles anymore . The only thing I can’t stand anymore that I used to love is onions and truffle. :( At 12 weeks I noticed my belly growing a little which was neat. What was even neater was seeing our little baby in my belly at the ultrasound squirming around so much. Hearing the heartbeat made me tear up. Our baby’s little features were forming and it was the coolest thing ever to see. At 14 weeks I started to feel like myself again. I was able to start going to yoga a few times a week which felt great. Now onto my 2nd trimester! Yay! XOXO

Lunden Mihalic