Baby Books


When I got pregnant I realized there was a lot of information out there for pregnant women and a lot of recommendations from my mommy friends. A lot of the info that was given to me was contradicting. Being a first time mom I wanted to know it all because knowledge is power right? Especially when you’re given a huge list of things you can’t do & eat right when you find out your pregnant which made me worry a little bit to the point I was thinking I might as well live in a bubble for 9 months lol

I wanted to know the real facts about what foods to avoid, if I could dye my hair, cat litter, ect. I have read multiple books so far but one that has stuck out to me during my first trimester that a friend of mine told me to read is called “Expecting Better” By Emily Oster. The author is an economics professor who is about all about decisions & science as a way to structure your thinking to make the right decision when it comes to pregnancy data. She gives you the information to weigh the pros and cons then leaves it’ up to you to make the right decision for you and your baby. Like for example : Drinking alcohol during pregnancy. I’ve been told it’s not a big deal to have a glass of wine from time to time starting your second trimester, even my mommy friends had an occasional glass of wine with their first and or second child and their kids came out fine. But is it truly safe? There is so much more that factors in like your age, health and if you’re a high risk pregnancy. It’s a good chapter to read in her book. Expecting Better talks about health, hair dye, radiation, gardening, category drugs, cat litter, weight, pre-mature labor, eating sushi, cold cuts, cheese, sex, etc. The list goes on about all your pregnancy concerns right when you find out you have a little one on the way.

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Another absolute favorite of mine is INA May’s Guide to Childbirth. A must read if you want to have a natural/vaginal childbirth without complications and/or trying to figure out a birthing plan. One thing that stood out to me in this book is the statistics of complications that go on in a hospital when giving birth. This book gives you confidence & hope on having a drug free childbirth. It also has multiple uplifting stories of pregnant woman and their birth stories giving natural childbirth. This book gave me the motivation to have a home birth without fear. I’ve never been happier with my decision. A MUST READ!


Other books I read that were recommended: Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding, Transformed by Birth By Britta Bushnell, Preparing for Childbirth Meditations and Affirmations, What To Expect When You Are Expecting, What To Eat When You Are Pregnant; A week by week guide to support your health & your baby’s development, What No One Tells You; A Guide to your emotions from pregnancy to motherhood By Alexandra Sacks, MD & Catherine Birndorf MD, 50 Things To Do Before You Deliver; A first time mom’s pregnancy guide, Eat To Feed By Eliza Larson & Kristy Kohler and Make an Informed Vaccine Decision; A Parent’s Guide to Childhood Shots. A couple of these I got on audiobook.

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